Information on coronavirus. Agency service suspensions/reductions. Report a social distancing violation.
Information on coronavirusAgency service suspensions/reductions
Report a social distancing violation
You can search for places in your neighborhood and throughout the City where you can donate working electronics on the donateNYC website.
Staten Island residents can get free curbside pickup of electronics by making an appointment with the Department of Sanitation (DSNY).
How it Works
Apartment buildings with 10 or more units can participate in ecycleNYC, a free and convenient in-building service to remove and recycle unwanted electronics.
Service options include:
Buildings, management companies, or residents can apply to enroll in ecycleNYC online.
Learn more and apply for ecycleNYC.
If your building is enrolled in ecycleNYC, a building manager or staff member can request pickup of unwanted electronics. Pickup is guaranteed within 5 business days.
City Drop-Off Sites
You can drop off electronics for recycling at Special Waste Sites or seasonal SAFE Disposal Events. Learn more on the Special Waste Disposal page.
Other Drop-Off Locations
View a map of electronics drop-off locations or contact the following businesses or organizations to drop off, recycle, or donate your electronics.
Please note that some sites charge fees or do not accept certain items. Check the location’s website or contact them to confirm before you drop off the items.
Best Buy
You can return unwanted electronics to manufacturers for recycling or disposal. Electronic manufacturers, such as Samsung, Sony, or Toshiba must accept electronics from residents for recycling at no cost. The NY State Department of Environmental Conservation maintains a list of registered electronic equipment manufacturers and the brands they recycle.
Cell phones can also be dropped off at any store that sells service plans.
You can find more information about recycling electronics at the store where you purchased the item or at any store that sells the item. You can also check your brand's website.
You can report a:
Electronics cannot go in regular recycling or trash. Schools must follow specific guidelines for disposal.
For more information on electronics disposal for NYC Department of Education schools, you can email your question to