You may be eligible for a free crib if you do not have and cannot afford a:

  • Bassinet
  • Play yard
  • Crib


Learn about free crib programs.

By Phone

Call 311 for assistance.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has some advice on how to safely place your baby to sleep. You can also find information at

Babies sleep safest:

  • On their backs
    Until their first birthday, babies should be placed on their backs for all sleep times, including naps. Babies can breathe better on their backs than on their stomachs or sides. Babies who sleep on their sides can more easily roll onto their stomach, making it harder for them to breathe and increasing their risk of suffocation.
  • In an empty crib
    Keep soft objects, loose bedding, or any other items that could increase the risk of suffocation out of the baby’s sleep area. Do not place pillows, blankets, toys, or bumper pads anywhere in your baby’s sleep area. If one of those items gets on the baby’s face, your baby may not be able to move his/her face away and can suffocate.
  • Alone
    Avoid sharing a bed with your baby. Your baby should not sleep in an adult bed, on a couch or on a chair, with you or anyone else during the day or night. The baby may suffocate if another person accidently rolls on top of her or covers her nose and mouth. The baby could also get trapped in bedding or suffocate under blankets or pillows.