Information on coronavirus. Agency service suspensions/reductions. Report a social distancing violation.
Information on coronavirusAgency service suspensions/reductions
Report a social distancing violation
If there is a non-emergency problem with a traffic or pedestrian signal's timing, you can request a timing review.
Department of Transportation will respond to requests within 16 weeks of receipt.
The Department of Transportation (DOT) has a contract in place to repair streetlights and traffic signals. However, the contract does not include the removal of graffiti.
DOT accepts comments about graffiti on streetlights and traffic signals to note the condition and evaluate the need for graffiti removal going forward.
Email the Department of Transportation.
By Phone
To report stray voltage, go to the Electrical Complaint page.
If a posted Department of Transportation (DOT) work order includes a Stop Tag number, it means the electricity going into the traffic or pedestrian signal pole was shut off. DOT notifies Con Edison about such outages. Once Con Edison restores the electricity, DOT can complete its work on the signal.
Con Edison is required to repair 90% of signals with no electric current within 90 days during the winter months of November 1st to April 30th. They are required to repair 80% of signals with no current within 45 days during the summer months of May 1st to October 31st. Con Edison may not take longer than 180 days to complete any of these repairs.
You can follow up on the status of a work order with a Stop Tag number by phone.
There are different types of pedestrian signals: